An emotional time in a cyclist's life

Well.. as many of you know, I've been delving into the world of fixed gear cycling for the past half year or so... In this past 6 months i've experienced joy, a revitalized sense of peace, i feel more healthy, and i even got hit by a car... I've been improving my cycling abilities, and i feel comfortable riding from one side of orlando to the other, taking major roads and sharing them with huge motorized vehicles... Cycling has become a passion of mine, and for the past half a year this has been my weapon of choice when shredding through traffic.
Well yesterday was a big day for me. i sold my frame and fork... It's sad cuz it's my first bike, in perfectly good condition, taught me many things about my riding style etc, and was a TANK!! hehe i chose to sell it because it was more of a tricking fixed gear bicycle, used bmx tubing so it was heavy, but strong, and the geometry didn't fit my style of uhm... just getting places as fast as i can.. heh so yea.. i wasn't in a hurry to sell it and i got what i wanted for it, and now.. I'M STUCK WITHOUT A BIKE!!! ugh... it's only been a day but i feel naked without one.. yesterday i tried bidding on a black nagasawa(pretty much the most famous frame builder in japan) frame, and i lost.. cuz i fell asleep 15 minutes before the auction was finished.. =( so i been trying to get a hold of a company in japan that sells used frames, and i haven't been emailed back yet.. ugh.. kinda frustrating.. but i know i'll eventually get one.. in the meantime i'll have to drive to commute, and wait a little longer till i get that dream frame of mine.. well at least till this japanese company emails me back about information on buying the frames they have for sale.. hehe

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